Funding/Jul 18, 2022 Postdoctoral Research Fellowship 2022–2023, Center for the Study of Christianity, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Publications/Jul 18, 2022 Settlement, Environment, and Climate Change in SW Anatolia: Dynamics of Regional Variation and the End of Antiquity
Call for Contributors/Jul 14, 2022 Dynamics of Tradition and Liberty in Byzantine Liturgy: 40 years after Alexander Schmemann
Publications/Jul 12, 2022 Droughts and Societal Change: The Environmental Context for the Emergence of Islam in Late Antique Arabia
Publications/Jul 12, 2022 Digital Perspectives on Overland Travel and Communications in the Exarchate of Ravenna
Publications/Jul 11, 2022 Materiality of Divinity in an Atypical Flat-Roofed Apsidal Aula Ecclesiae: The Lubbēn Large Church as a Case Study from Southern Syria
Funding/Jul 01, 2022 2023–26 Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities and Social Sciences, Princeton University
Publications/Jun 30, 2022 Caesar Bardas and the Earthquake of Constantinople: The Rival Depictions of the Event in the Arabic and Byzantine Sources