Workshop for Medieval Greek Paleography, Mainz, September 13–16, 2021
Early career scholars (both at the pre- and post-doc phase) are invited to attend this week-long workshop dedicated to medieval Greek paleography. While the main emphasis of the workshop will be on working with manuscripts written in medieval Greek and creating editions from those manuscripts, the fourth day of the workshop will include a series of introductory seminars for studying manuscripts written in other languages of the Eastern Christian tradition, namely Arabic, Church Slavonic and Georgian.
Participation in the workshop is by application only. Participants must have proficiency in ancient or medieval Greek at an intermediate level or higher. Previous knowledge of Greek paleography is not a prerequisite.
Interested participants whose applications are accepted will be provided with accommodation for the duration of the workshop and will have their travel costs (up to 300 EUR) reimbursed. There is no course fee.
A note on COVID-19: it is hoped that the workshop can take place in person. Should circumstances not allow this, then the workshop will be postponed.
The workshop is financed by the ERC Starting Grant MAMEMS “Mount Athos in Medieval Eastern Mediterranean Society: Contextualizing the History of a Monastic Republic (ca. 850-1550)”.