The Greek Language after Antiquity: Recent Research and Future Directions in Historical Linguistics

The Greek Language after Antiquity: Recent Research and Future Directions in Historical Linguistics lead image

The Greek Language after Antiquity: Recent Research and Future Directions in Historical Linguistics, Zoom and British School at Athens, November 5–6, 2021

This two-day workshop promises to be a landmark in the study of post-classical Greek. It rests on the achievements to date of five major projects in the history of the Greek language: the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae, the Vienna Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität, the “Kriaras Lexicon” of Medieval Vernacular Greek, the Cambridge Grammar of Medieval and Early Modern Greek, and the Historical Lexicon of the Academy of Athens. Representatives of all these projects will participate in the workshop, together with experts in historical linguistics, dialectology, syntax and literary studies. 


Attendance in person is open only to invited participants in the conference, but all sessions will be made available to those wishing to participate via a Zoom link. Advance registration is required.