Calls for Papers/Aug 21, 2017

XIVth International Conference on Gregory of Nyssa

XIVth International Conference on Gregory of Nyssa lead image

XIVth International Conference on Gregory of Nyssa, Collège des Bernardins, Paris, September 4–7, 2018

The XIVth International Conference on Gregory of Nyssa will take place in Paris, Collège des Bernardins, from Tuesday 4th to Friday 7th of September 2018. It will focus on the Homilies on the Lord’s Prayer and their reception in the byzantine world. A call for papers is open until September the 30th 2018.

As customary for Gregory of Nyssa’s conferences, each homily will be the subject of a specific lecture, offering a commentary of the whole homily. A call for paper is announced thereby for the other papers (time: 20 minutes), which should deal with the theme of the conference. The following topics are suggested:

  • the art and skills of the preacher
  • the world of the preacher and social and moral aspects of his homilies
  • the exegesis of the Lord’s Prayer, in relation with the other works by Gregory and the other patristic authors
  • the perspective of the Kingdom (eschatology and present world)
  • the biblical figures in the homilies
  • illness, health and healing of body and soul
  • prayer in the homilies: 1) in comparison with the other works of Gregory, 2) in comparison with the other patristic authors
  • posterity and reception of the homilies in Byzantium: 1) exegesis, 2) theology, 3) spirituality

The official languages of the conferences are French, English, Italian, German and Spanish. Contributors are warmly encouraged to choose their most familiar tongue.

A French translation will be published in the collection <<Sources chrétiennes>> before the conference (M. Cassin, Ch. Boudiginon, J. Sequin ✝); a working English translation will also be available to participants of the conference (M. DelCogliano, A.Raddle-Gallwitz).