Calls for Papers/Feb 22, 2018

XIe Édition des Rencontres Internationales des Doctorants en Études Byzantines

XIe Édition des Rencontres Internationales des Doctorants en Études Byzantines lead image

XIe édition des Rencontres internationales des doctorants en études byzantines, Paris, October 12–13, 2018

The Association des étudiants du monde byzantin invites paper proposals for its International Meetings of PhD candidates in Byzantine Studies which are to be held on October 12 and 13, 2018.

For eleven years now, our aim has been to bring together PhD students whose research deals with the Byzantine world, regardless of their field of specialization (Archaeology, Art History, History, Literature, Philology, etc.) and to allow them to present and discuss their work. During the meetings a visit to a cultural institution housing collections of Byzantine objects is also organized. This year a visit to the Musée du Louvre is planned.

In order to promote the diversity of disciplines, no particular theme is imposed. Speakers can deliver a general paper on their subject of  research  or focus on a particular aspect of it. Papers should be twenty minutes in length in order to leave time for discussions, questions and methodological advice. Moreover, participants will have the possibility to publish their papers in the online Journal Porphyra, if the text is accepted by the scientific committee of the journal.

A certain number of travel grants are available to participants who cannot benefit from funding from their home institutions. The candidates are required to indicate their wish when sending the paper proposal.