Calls for Papers/Feb 10, 2017

Xe édition - Rencontres internationales des doctorants en études byzantines

Xe édition - Rencontres internationales des doctorants en études byzantines lead image

Xe édition des Rencontres internationales des doctorants en études byzantines, Paris, October 6–7, 2017

The International meetings of PhD students in Byzantine Studies are celebrating their tenth anniversary this year. Since the first edition in 2008, their aim has been to unite PhD candidates whose research deals with the Byzantine world, regardless of the field of specialization (Archaeology, Art History, History, Literature, Philology, etc.). The creation of the Association des Étudiants du Monde Byzantin (AEMB) in 2010 has enabled to turn the Meetings into a regular event  for post-graduate byzantine students worldwide. We are proud to have succeeded in perpetuating them with the financial support of universities (Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris-Sorbonne), of grands établissements (École Pratique des Hautes Études, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), of the research unit UMR 8167 Orient et Méditerranée and the French committee of byzantine studies.   

The Meetings will be held in Paris, on October 6 and 7, 2017. In order to promote the diversity of the disciplines, no particular theme is imposed. The speakers can deliver a general paper on their subject of research or focus on an aspect of it. Papers should be twenty minute in length in order to leave time for discussions, questions and methodological advises. Moreover, participants will have the possibility to publish their papers in the online journal Porphyra, if the text is accepted by the scientific committee of the journal.

The languages of the conference are French and English.