The Woolf Institute, Cambridge, which specialises in the study of relations between Jews, Christians and Muslims from a multidisciplinary perspective, invites applications for its annual visiting fellowship.
The Fellowship is tenable for a two to three month period that overlaps one of the Cambridge terms 2018:
Lent term: 16 January–16 March 2018
Easter term: 24 April–15 June 2018
The successful candidate will be expected to be involved in a project of academic research or public education in an area relevant to the Institute's work. The Fellow will be asked to present their work at a symposium on the subject of their project proposal.
There is no stipend attached to the Fellowships, but Fellows will be entitled to free accommodation in Cambridge and one round-trip journey to Cambridge. They will also have access to the Woolf Institute and Cambridge University libraries.
The Fellowship is available for a postdoctoral scholar of any academic rank, a policymaker or analyst in a relevant area of work and will most likely be asked to participate in some of the Institute's teaching or practice-based activities.