The Wolfgang Fritz Volbach-Fellowship was conceived as a link between the centre of research Mainz and international scholarly work within Byzantine Studies. The fellowship reaches out to foreign fellows with a doctoral degree who work in a field related to the subject of the Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus: Byzantium between orient and occident. The invitation consists of a one month research residence with full access to libraries, academic infrastructure and participation in interdisciplinary exchange.
- Grant of Euro 2000 for four weeks residence in Mainz either during the summer or winter term
- Free accommodation in the guest house of the RGZM if within the following periods: winter term 2015/16: January 11th – March 6th, summer term 2016: May 2nd – June 26th, winter term 2016/17: October 24th – December 18th
- Fellows are invited to present their current research with a paper in the lecture series Byzanz in Mainz
Application requirements
- Applicants must possess a doctorate or an equivalent academic degree (e.g. PhD) and have a permanent residency abroad
- Applicants are engaged in a research project relevant to the subject of the Leibniz-WissenschaftsCampus Mainz: Byzantium between orient and occident
- until May 1st 2015 for winter term 2015/16
- until November 1st for summer term 2016
- until May 1st 2016 for winter term 2016/17