Funding/Oct 22, 2015

Warburg Institute Research Fellowships in Cultural & Intellectual History from October 2016

Warburg Institute Research Fellowships in Cultural & Intellectual History from October 2016 lead image

The Warburg Institute is offering a Long-term Fellowship of two or three years tenable from October 2016.

The Fellowship is generally intended for scholars in the early stages of their careers. Candidates may be pre- or postdoctoral but must have completed at least one year’s research on their doctoral dissertation by the time they submit their application for a Fellowship and, if postdoctoral, must normally have been awarded their doctorate within the preceding five years, i.e. after 1 October 2010. If their doctorate was awarded before this date, they must explain the reasons for any interruption in their academic career in a covering letter.

Frances A. Yates Long-Term Fellowship
Dame Frances Yates, who died in 1981, generously bequeathed her residuary estate to found research Fellowships in her name at the Institute. Fellows’ interests may lie in any aspect of cultural and intellectual history but, other things being equal, preference will be given to those whose work is concerned with those areas of the medieval and Renaissance encyclopedia of knowledge to which Dame Frances herself made such distinguished contributions.