Funding/Sep 06, 2022

Wainwright Post-doctoral Research Fellowship in Near Eastern Archaeology, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford

Wainwright Post-doctoral Research Fellowship in Near Eastern Archaeology, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford lead image

The Gerald Averay Wainwright Fellow at the Oriental Institute, University of Oxford, is a post-doctoral research fellowship role. The Fellow will carry out research addressing the archaeology (not literary or philological studies) of any period of the human past apart from that of Classical Antiquity (i.e. the sphere of influence of Classical Greek and Roman Worlds, between c. 600 BCE and 500 CE), from the Palaeolithic up to and including the medieval and post-medieval periods of any of the following countries: Afghanistan, Algeria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Burkina Faso, Chad, Cyprus, Egypt, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Mauritania, Morocco, Niger, Oman, Palestine, Persia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Western Sahara, and Yemen. Priority is given to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Egypt, Georgia, Iran, Iraq, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Turkey.

The primary emphasis is on completion of a significant piece of publishable research and/or the preparation of postdoctoral grant applications in the non-classical archaeology (not literary or philological studies) of any country or countries listed above.

The successful candidate will be at an early stage of an academic career, having completed a doctorate not earlier than 1 April 2018 (excluding justified career breaks), present a credible proposal for research and publication, have or plan to develop research impact and public engagement skills, and demonstrate excellent skills in preparing research findings for publication.

The research may be conducted at any UK University with appropriate supervision in these areas. This is a full-time, fixed-term position for 3 years from 1 January 2023.