The Max Planck Institute for the History of Science, Berlin, Department III: Artifacts, Action, Knowledge, directed by Prof. Dr. Dagmar Schäfer, offers several Visiting Scholarships (residential, 3–12 months) to take place in the period September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2023.
We invite scholars to apply for participation in the Working Group "Visualizations and Material Cultures of the Heavens in Eurasia and North Africa (4000 BCE–1700 CE)" of Department III. The Working Group’s research focuses on visual representations and material objects in the creation, change, and movement of astral knowledge across space and time. A growing image database serves as the main tool to collect and research the manifold objects and their imagery, the practices and relations of their production, reproduction and transmission, and their roles in organizing knowledge and creating meaning in different sociocultural contexts like politics, rituals, religion or medicine. We welcome scholars working on the visualization of astral knowledge in any time period before 1700 CE, preferably focused on one of the following geographical regions: East Asia, Southeast Asia, Indian Subcontinent, Central Asia, Asia Minor, Egypt, North Africa, and Europe (with an emphasis on Slavonic, Caucasian, Black Sea, or Celtic cultures).
We welcome applications from scholars in every field within history, history of science and technology, art history, archaeology, philology, cultural history, religious studies, or museum studies, with a focus on visual representations or objects and some preference for research addressing the multilingual and transregional nature of the project. Successful applicants are expected to advance their own research project under the Working Group’s overall research agenda, and to actively contribute to the Working Group activities during their period of affiliation. In particular, they are expected to systematically and comparatively identify and discuss relevant visual materials in the framework of the Working Group’s protected image database. They are also encouraged to actively take part in the scientific life of the Institute with its many academic activities like conferences, workshops, seminars, and colloquia.
Visiting scholars receive a stipend commensurate with rank and experience for their period of residence, and reimbursement for a return ticket to and from their place of residence.