Courses & Workshops/Sep 28, 2017

Visible Words

Visible Words lead image

Visible Words: Digital Epigraphy in a Global Perspective + EpiDoc Workshop, Brown University, October 5–7, 2017

This workshop will bring together experts in the epigraphic cultures of half a dozen  different  languages  and scriptural traditions who are also involved in creating (or developing) digital editions and databases of inscriptions, to explore these questions and other shared interests during a day-and-a-half of short presentations and group round- table discussions.

The workshop will be immediately preceded by an EpiDoc workshop (5-6 October) designed to introduce the basics of the EpiDoc editing system. The two events, co-ordinated but independent, together form the culmination of a three-year project sponsored by the Partner University Fund of the French American Cultural Exchange (FACE) and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, “Visible Words: Research  and  Training  in  Digital  Contextual Epigraphy”, which has aimed to promote research and training in the application of digital technologies to  the  study  of inscriptions in their spatial contexts. In the spirit of the Visible Words project, the  workshop  is  avowedly exploratory and collaborative in nature. Our goal is to further the shared enterprise of advancing the study of inscriptions through digital technologies by seeking to find commonalities (both disciplinary and technological), to recognize and define differences, and to identify productive areas for future investigation and development.

The EpiDoc workshop is limited to 25 participants. Advanced registration is required.