VeDPH Virtual Summer Camp in Digital and Public Humanities, July 6–10, 2020
It was with great disappointment that we had to cancel the first Venice Centre for Digital and Public Humanities (VeDPH) Summer School in Digital and Public Humanities due to the coronavirus emergency. Nevertheless, we are now happy to announce the first Venice Virtual Summer Camp in Digital and Public Humanities to take place from 6 - 10 July 2020.
The original programme has been transformed and adapted to the online modality and the circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic. As a positive side effect, a large number of seminars and presentations can now be offered as open events. The training sessions, which include activities and feedback, are restricted to the successful applicants of the originally planned Summer School in Venice and therefore are not accessible anymore. All the other events, however, are open to everyone without registration and without number limitation.
The Virtual Summer Camp is entirely free of charge.
The virtual summer camp includes four different thematic strands thematic stands:
- Digital Textual Scholarship
- Digital and Public History
- Digital and Public Art History
- Digital Archaeology and its Public
Classes will be delivered by the colleagues from the centre and other expert scholars from internationally renowned institutions.
The links and the instructions to access the virtual rooms will be published in our git-hub Venice Virtual Summer Camp website shortly before the beginning of the event.