Funding/Jul 26, 2017

Turpin Junior Research Fellowship in Humanities, Oxford

Turpin Junior Research Fellowship in Humanities, Oxford lead image

Oriel College, University of Oxford, seeks applications for the Turpin Junior Research Fellowship in Humanities for a fixed term of almost three years, from 15 October 2017 to 31 August 2020. It is anticipated that applicants will be at an early stage of their academic career, taking into consideration career breaks for maternity leave and family leave etc.

The fellow will pursue postdoctoral level study in one of the following areas of Humanities: Ancient History, Classics, English, Modern Languages, Music, Philosophy (including Ancient), and Theology. The fellow may be asked to play a part in the undergraduate admissions process (weeks 9 and 10 of the Michaelmas Term). Admissions training will be provided.

The fellow may be invited to do a limited amount of teaching for the college, in which case payment will be made at the hourly standard tuition rates as set by the Senior Tutors’ Committee.