Publication Reviews/Dec 13, 2016

Three Empires, Three Cities

Three Empires, Three Cities lead image

This volume, the culmination of an international workshop focused on the history of these cities, seeks to trace the connections and development of each city not only in relationship to its Byzantine heritage or political or cultural proximity to Constantinople, but also with the new powers, the Carolingians and the Ottonians, and ultimately in comparison to each other. The contributors to the volume represent both archaeologists and historians in equal measure, lending to the multidisciplinarity common to the other volumes of the series sponsored by the Centro Interuniversitario per la Storia e l'Archeologia dell'Alto Medioevo.

Veronica West-Harling, ed. Three Empires, Three Cities: Identity, Material Culture and Legitimacy in Venice, Ravenna and Rome, 750-1000. Seminari del Centro interuniversitario per la storia e l’archeologia dell’alto medioevo, 6. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015.

From The Medieval Review (TMR). Review by Edward M. Schoolman, University of Nevada, Reno