Calls for Papers/Jan 16, 2019

The Tabula Peutingeriana: Recent Approaches and New Results

The Tabula Peutingeriana: Recent Approaches and New Results lead image

The Tabula Peutingeriana: Recent Approaches and New Results, Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, September 19–20, 2019

This international and interdisciplinary conference aims to discuss innovative methodical approaches and recent results of research on the Peutinger Map and its antique, medieval and early modern traditions. Established scholars as well as junior researches from all relevant disciplines are cordially invited to contribute to this meeting, which will take place at the Österreichische Nationalbibliothek in Vienna.

Accordingly, one of our focal points will be research considering the Tabula Peutingeriana as a material object of art, especially concerning

  • the TP’s structure, concept and arrangement, e. g. centration(s), symmetries, distortions, handling of lineworks and spaces, arrangement of toponyms
  • its aesthetic design from an art-historical point of view, mainly its colouring, vignettes and other pictograms, including its relations to antique, medieval and early modern conventions of representing geographic space.

We also warmly welcome other TP-focused papers covering topics such as

  • dating of map entries
  • distinction of different historical strata and stages of copying
  • representations of certain places, regions or routes on the TP
  • relations to ancient geographical texts and itineraries
  • impact on medieval and early modern maps and texts.