The Syriac Christian Churches: Rediscovering the Church’s Eastern Roots

The Syriac Christian Churches: Rediscovering the Church’s Eastern Roots lead image

The Syriac Christian Churches: Rediscovering the Church’s Eastern Roots, Baylor University, April 20, 2016

For over a thousand years, the churches of the Middle East and Asia were central to the story of Christianity. Many of the greatest Christian saints and scholars thought and wrote in the ancient language of Syriac, which historically was a critical vehicle of Christian literature. Those Syriac Christian believers were authentic heirs of the earliest apostolic church. When we tell the story of Christianity only through a Western and European lens, we are missing vital parts of the picture. At a time when Middle Eastern churches face such dreadful suffering and persecution, it is all the more necessary for Western Christians to know and understand this often-forgotten part of their common heritage.

This one-day seminar on “The Syriac Christian Churches” brings together leading scholars on Syriac history, literature, theology and culture.