Publication Reviews/Oct 24, 2017

The Rabbula Corpus

The Rabbula Corpus lead image

A powerful and influential bishop of the mid-fifth century, the bilingual (Greek/Syriac) Rabbula makes a fascinating case study of ecclesiastical-political life in the border provinces of the Empire. The various texts associated with this infamous personality are not all authentic, but they are all both under-utilized and yet full of precious evidence for the social historian. We can therefore be enormously grateful for the present volume presenting texts and translations of all the Syriac texts relating to what the editors have dubbed the 'Rabbula Corpus'.

Robert R. Phenix, Jr. and Cornelia B. Horn. The Rabbula Corpus: Comprising the 'Life of Rabbula', His Correspondence, a Homily Delivered in Constantinople, Canons, and Hymns; with Texts in Syriac and Latin, English Translations, Notes, and Introduction. Writings from the Greco-Roman world, 17. Atlanta: SBL Press, 2017.

From Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMCR). Review by Daniel King, Cardiff University