Lectures/May 09, 2022

The Pentarchy in the Times of Photius (858–867, 878–886)

The Pentarchy in the Times of Photius (858–867, 878–886) lead image

The Pentarchy in the Times of Photius (858–867, 878–886), lecture by Evangelos Chrysos (University of Athens), University of Tübingen and Zoom, May 12, 2022, 6:15 pm

Part of the Tübingen Byzantine and Near Eastern Seminar Summer Term 2022. Convened by the Emmy Noether Research Group “Religious Conflict and Mobility: Byzantium and the Greater Mediterranean, 700-900” in collaboration with the Institutes of Ancient and Medieval History and the Center for Advanced Studies “Migration and Mobility in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages.”

The lectures are in a hybrid format. Please register in advance to participate via Zoom.