Calls for Papers/Apr 14, 2022

The Longue Durée of Cultural Heritage

The Longue Durée of Cultural Heritage lead image

The Longue Durée of Cultural Heritage. Curation of the Past from Antiquity to the Present Day, Norwegian Institute in Rome, December 5–7, 2022

Across the world, there is a burgeoning interest in cultural heritage, among academics and professionals, as well as in politics. While heritage is typically thought of as a modern concept with origins in the late-eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, there is ample proof that pre-modern societies curated their pasts in highly comparable ways. Starting from the understanding of cultural heritage as a process, we recognize certain practices regarding the management of spaces, monuments, and objects in pre- and early modern societies as congruent to types of activity commonly placed within the heritage rubric.

By adopting a long-term approach to the subject, this conference aims to create opportunities for new lines of research across disciplines. This includes examining historical examples to contextualize, interrogate, and deepen our understanding of modern approaches to heritage. Moreover, developments in contemporary heritage theory and practice can provide a fresh and productive framework for examining and categorizing processes in the past.

By bringing together scholars working on issues of heritage in the present day with those studying similar ideas in more remote, historical contexts, this interdisciplinary conference aims to foster a dialogue which can enrich analyses of heritage practices in the past and in the present day. We invite contributions from scholars with a contemporary and/or historical focus(in particular, we welcome research on pre-modern periods). Relevant themes include (but are not restricted to):

  • Methodologies of heritage
  • Case studies of pre-modern heritage curation/preservation
  • Authenticity
  • Destruction and iconoclasm
  • Ruins and reconstructions
  • Commodification
  • Preservation as deconsecration
  • Restoration
  • Are texts intangible heritage? Textual heritage(s) and their material dimensions – epigraphy, archives, corpora, etc.
  • Images/representations of heritage processes

This interdisciplinary conference is organised through a collaboration between the Heritage Experience Initiative and The Norwegian Institute in Rome.