Lectures/Oct 25, 2016

The Icon’s Gold

The Icon’s Gold lead image

The Icon's Gold: Spatiality, Equipmentality, and Materiality, lecture by Roland Betancourt (University of California, Irvine), Princeton University, November 10, 2016, 4:30 pm

Roland Betancourt, PhD (2014), Yale University, is Assistant Professor of Art History at the University of California, Irvine. He is co-editor of the volume Byzantium/Modernism: The Byzantine as Method in Modernity (Brill, 2015), and editor of special issues of postmedieval and West 86th. He has presented extensively at conferences, and his published work has appeared and is forthcoming in Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, Gesta, Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Orientalia Christiana Periodica, Word & Image, and others. His current research and methodology focus on both Byzantine and contemporary discourses on the ontological valences of the image and its temporality.