Publication Reviews/Jun 25, 2018

The Dawn of Christian Art in Panel Paintings and Icons

The Dawn of Christian Art in Panel Paintings and Icons lead image

Assisted by the art conservator Norman E. Muller, Mathews proposes a revised history of the evolution of panel painting from pre-Christian and pagan art to Christian icons. Mathews explores the dependence of Christian iconography on models provided by pagan paintings depicting gods from a mixed Greek and Egyptian pantheon, produced from the first through the fourth century AD. The driving aim is to show that the cultic use of panel paintings was a continuous tradition from antiquity into Christianity.

 Thomas F. Mathews and Norman E. Muller. The Dawn of Christian Art in Panel Paintings and Icons. Los Angeles: J. Paul Getty Museum, 2016.

From Bryn Mawr Classical Review (BMRC). Review by Harikleia Brecoulaki, National Hellenic Research Foundation