Jobs/Oct 16, 2015

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Medieval Art History, University of San Francisco

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Medieval Art History, University of San Francisco lead image

The Department of Art + Architecture at the University of San Francisco invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position at the level of Assistant Professor in the field of Medieval Art History, to begin August 2016. We seek candidates whose research examines the history of European medieval art, preferably with secondary interests in early Islamic art. The ideal candidate will also possess significant museum or collections experience and/or a background in archaeology, architectural history or cultural preservation.

Teaching Responsibilities include introductory survey classes in the history of Western art (ancient to medieval), first year seminars, and undergraduate, upper-division seminars on topics in early Christian, Byzantine, Medieval, and Islamic art. Pending experience, the successful candidate may also occasionally teach classes related to museum studies at the undergraduate level and/or in the new M.A. in Museum Studies program. The teaching requirement is two classes per semester with a third class every fourth semester (2-2-2-3 over two years). There will also be regular, undergraduate advising responsibilities.