Courses & Workshops/Mar 26, 2018

Summer Programme in Byzantine Epigraphy, Koç University

Summer Programme in Byzantine Epigraphy, Koç University lead image

Summer Programme in Byzantine Epigraphy, Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations (ANAMED), September 3–9, 2018

We are delighted to announce that the Summer Programme in Byzantine Epigraphy 2018 will take place between 3 and 9 September, in Istanbul, Turkey. The Programme will be convened by Ida Toth and Andreas Rhoby, and it will include contributions from over twenty leading specialists exploring Istanbul’s Byzantine inscriptional heritage, and its significance for the discipline of Byzantine Epigraphy as a whole.

Drawing on a wide range of topics such as display, taxonomy, context, ideology, and performance, the Programme will combine daily seminars, evening lectures, practical sessions in Istanbul’s museums, and guided visits to Byzantine monuments and excavation sites. It will provide an interactive platform for exchange of ideas among more experienced scholars of Byzantine epigraphic culture as well as involving younger academics, who require instruction and expert guidance in dealing with Byzantine inscriptional material.

Although contribution to the Programme is by invitation only, we welcome expressions of interest from scholars in early and/or middle stages of their academic career, whose research stands to significantly benefit from attending an intensive, week-long exploration of Byzantine epigraphic traditions. Please, note that the number of available places is limited to the maximum of eight.

Fees will not be charged. However, full funding will be offered only to three exceptional applicants. Non-funded participants should expect to cover their own travelling and accommodation costs.