Summer Courses in Sahidic Coptic and Old Slavonic, Dan Slușanschi School of Classical and Oriental Languages Online, Coptic July 12–August 6, 2021, Old Slavonic July 19–30, 2021
Coptic, Beginner, July 12–August 6, 2021
There are no prerequisites for enrolling in the course. In twenty days of intensive study, students will start from ground zero and will be initiated in all aspects of the Coptic grammar. One hour of theory will be followed by one hour of exercises so that, by the end of the course, students will be able to read original texts of medium difficulty. The main method followed will be Bentley Layton’s Sahidic Coptic in Twenty Lessons.
The course will be held 5 days a week for four weeks, with 2 hours of instruction per day, for a total of 40 course hours. The final hours of the course will be decided together with all participants and the instructor, once the enrollment period is over, depending on the time zones of the instructors and the participants.
Alin Suciu (Science Academy of Göttingen)
Ștefan Colceriu (Iorgu Iordan – Al. Rosetti Institute for Linguistics, Romanian Academy)
Old Slavonic, Intermediate, July 19–30, 2021
This course is designed for those who have mastered the fundamentals of Old Slavonic and wish to become familiar with the particularities of the five main Slavonic recensions: Czecho-Moravian, Serbo-Croatian, Middle Bulgarian, Russo-Ukrainian and Romanian. This intensive course will have two main components: first, it will provide a description of the changes that took place in each recension compared to Old Slavonic, with great attention being given to phonetics and morphology, so as to aid the students to adapt to the relative lack of dedicated dictionaries for each variety of Church Slavonic and to make use of classical Old Slavonic dictionaries in their endeavours. On the other hand, this theoretical element will be balanced out by a practical side, as the students will be given the chance to work on a selection of texts from each recension, which will allow them to apply their newly acquired skills. While some of these texts will be from the various transcriptions of religious texts (which allow for better comparisons), many will be from medieval historical sources and documents, which better illustrate some of the local traits of the recensions.
The course will be held 5 days a week, for two weeks, with 4 instruction hours per day, for a total of 40 course hours. The final hours of the course will be decided together with all participants and the instructor, once the enrolment period is over, so that it may accommodate the time zones of all participants.
All the courses will be conducted in English.
The fee for each of the language courses below is 150 Euros (+ bank transfer fees).
Registration closes May 16, 2021