Courses & Workshops/Feb 01, 2018

Summer Course in Papyrology, University of Oslo

Summer Course in Papyrology, University of Oslo lead image

Summer Course in Papyrology, University of Oslo, June 18–22, 2018

The Dept. of Philosophy, Classics, History of Art and Ideas, University of Oslo and the Papyrus Collection of the University of Oslo Library invite applications for participation in the summer course in Papyrology to take place in Oslo 18–22 June 2018. The course gives 5 ECTS credit points. Coursework includes lectures, supervised work with papyri from the collection, and a written assignment (see details below). The focus will be on Greek and Coptic papyrology in keeping with the holdings of the Oslo collection.

The course is designed for advanced bachelor, master, and early PhD students of Classics, Ancient History, Egyptology and related subjects. Participants will hear lectures on the contents and classification of papyri, editorial method, and the socio-historical and linguistic context of papyri from Egypt from Hellenistic times to late Antiquity. They will also work with an unpublished papyrus (Greek or Coptic depending on their linguistic competence), the edition of which constitutes the written assignment (work with the edition will begin in Oslo under supervision and will be continued after the course; if the academic quality of the submitted work is satisfactory, a revised version of the edition may be included in forthcoming volumes of Oslo papyri). A session will be dedicated to the basics of papyrus conservation and will be followed by practical exercises in papyrus conservation.

Anastasia Maravela (University of Oslo)
Joanne Vera Stolk (University of Oslo/Ghent University)
Ágnes Tothné Mihálykó (University of Oslo)
Jens Mangerud (University of Oslo)
Jörg Graf (Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig)
Jenny Cromwell (University of Copenhagen)

Requirements: A minimum of 30 ECTS credits in ancient Greek or an introductory course in the Coptic language.

There is no course fee. Accommodation in Oslo will be covered for successful applicants. Participants must pay their travel expenses.