Lectures/Feb 22, 2018

Hellens, Romans, Christians, Arabs, Turks, Romioi, Greeks. Studying Hellenism

Hellens, Romans, Christians, Arabs, Turks, Romioi, Greeks. Studying Hellenism lead image

Hellens, Romans, Christians, Arabs, Turks, Romioi, Greeks. Studying Hellenism, lecture by Dimitri Gutas (Yale University), Yale University, February 26, 2018, 4:30–6:00 pm

This lecture is part of the Post-Antiquity Revisited lecture series in honor of Dimitri Gutas.

Dimitri Gutas is a Professor of Arabic and Graeco-Arabic. He studies and teaches medieval Arabic and the medieval intellectual tradition in Islamic civilization from different aspects. At the center of his concerns lies the study and understanding of classical Arabic in its many forms as a prerequisite for the proper appreciation of the written sources which inform us about the history and culture of Islamic societies. He also has an abiding interest in the transmission of Greek scientific and philosophical works into the Islamic world through the momentous Graeco-Arabic translation movement in Baghdad during the 8th-10th centuries AD (2nd-4th Hijri). Within Arabic philosophy, Gutas has concentrated in particular on its greatest exponent, Ibn Sina (known as Avicenna in the medieval Latin world), on whom he wrote the fundamental Avicenna and the Aristotelian Tradition. Introduction to Reading Avicenna’s Philosophical Works (Leiden 1988).