Publications/Apr 23, 2019

Studies in Byzantine Sigillography, Volume 13

Studies in Byzantine Sigillography, Volume 13 lead image

A.-K. Wassiliou-Seibt and C. Stavrakos, eds. Studies in Byzantine Sigillography. Volume 13. Brepols Publishers, 2019.

From Brepols Publishers

This volume contains primarily papers of the 11th International Symposium held in Istanbul (May 2014) and of the last Congress of Byzantine Studies in Belgrade (August 2016). There are papers about the seals as historical source and archaeological finding presenting their role in the Byzantine Prosopography, Byzantine Administration, Historical Geography and Byzantine Art History.


A Dutch Collection of Late Antique and Early Christian Lead Seals
Gert Boersema

The Byzantine Lead Seals in the Balıkesir Kuva-yi Milliye Museum Collection
Vera Bulgurlu

Sceaux du xie siècle trouvés en Palestine
Jean-Claude Cheynet

The Seal of Theodoros Styppeiotes Protonobellisimos and Megas Sakellarios (1150s). A Contribution to Prosopography of the Comnenian Period
Ioannes G. Leontiades

The Theodorokanoi. Members of the Byzantine Military Aristocracy with an Armeno-Iberian Origin
Werner Seibt

Ein Beitrag Zur Prosopographie Der Frühen Palaiologenzeit
Alexandra-Kyriaki Wassiliou-Seibt and Leon Gabras Kaisar

The Theme of Drougoubiteia
Andreas Gkoutzioukostas

Ἐπίσκoπος τῆς Ἀτέλου. Residierte Der Bischof von Atel in Chazaria (Am Unterem Don)?
Werner Seibt

A Rare Lead Seal of a Goldsmith (Χρυσογλύπτης) from the Unpublished Collection of Zafeiris Syrras (London)
Christos Stavrakos and Christos Tsatsoulis

An Image of Saint Nicholas with the "Tongues of Fire" on a Byzantine Lead Seal
John Cotsonis

The Collection of Byzantine Bread Stamps in the Loulis Museum (Aghiou Georgiou Mills), Piraeus, Greece
Ioanna Koltsida-Makre