Courses & Workshops/Nov 24, 2020

Storyworlds in Collections: Toward a Theory of the Ancient and Byzantine Tale (2nd – 7th c. CE)

Storyworlds in Collections: Toward a Theory of the Ancient and Byzantine Tale (2nd – 7th c. CE) lead image

Storyworlds in Collections: Toward a Theory of the Ancient and Byzantine Tale (2nd – 7th c. CE), University of Cyprus via Zoom, December 4–5, 2020

This workshop is organized in the framework of a two-year research project (2019-2021) entitled “Storyworlds  in Collections: Toward a Theory of the Ancient and Byzantine Tale (2nd – 7th c. CE)”, which is co-financed  by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation. The Department of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies of the University of Cyprus has also supported the workshop’s organization.


Advance registration required.