Funding/Sep 17, 2020

SHERA Publication Grant 2020

SHERA Publication Grant 2020 lead image

The SHERA (Society of Historians of East European, Eurasian, and Russian Art and Architecture) Publication Grant supports the realization of publications of the highest scholarly and intellectual quality in the field of Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian art and architecture. The $3000 grant is intended to offset the substantial production expenses associated with the publication of an art-historical monograph, edited volume, or exhibition catalogue. Book projects must have been accepted by a publisher in order to be considered. Funds may be directed toward production costs (such as image rights, image reproductions, subventions, indexing, keeping down the final cost of the book). The grant does not fund research, writing, or editorial labor. Projects that are financially self-supporting are not eligible. 

Applicants do not need to be SHERA members to apply, but the recipient must join in order to accept the award. 

The grant is made possible by a generous gift from an anonymous donor and will be awarded annually through 2023.