Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table

Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table lead image

Seventh Century Syrian Numismatic Round Table, Corpus Christi College, Oxford, September 26–27, 2022

The Round Table aims to bring together numismatists, historians and archaeologist with an interest in Late Antiquity/Early Islam in Syria/Palestine and the surrounding area. This will be a small, informal conference which will include at least 16 papers with ample time allowed for discussion. The central focus will be the seventh century Byzantine coinage circulating in the Near East and the Syrian Arab-Byzantine coinage, but there will also be a few papers on related historical topics. 

All papers will subsequently be published in a new volume of ‘Coinage and History in the Seventh Century Near East’.

There is a conference fee of £35 which covers refreshments and sandwich lunches over the two days. A limited number of college rooms will also be available at a cost of £60 per night.

The conference is open to all, but numbers are limited and pre-registration is essential.