Publications/Jun 06, 2019

Revisioning John Chrysostom: New Approaches, New Perspectives

Revisioning John Chrysostom: New Approaches, New Perspectives lead image

Chris de Wet and Wendy Mayer, eds. Revisioning John Chrysostom: New Approaches, New Perspectives. Critical Approaches to Early Christianity, volume 1. Brill, 2019.

From Brill

In Revisioning John Chrysostom, Chris de Wet and Wendy Mayer harness and promote a new wave of scholarship on the life and works of this famous late-antique (c. 350-407 CE) preacher. New theories from the cognitive and neurosciences, cultural and sleep studies, and history of the emotions, among others, meld with reconsideration of lapsed approaches – his debt to Graeco-Roman paideia, philosophy, and now medicine – resulting in sometimes surprising and challenging conclusions. Together the chapters produce a fresh vision of John Chrysostom that moves beyond the often negative views of the 20th century and open up substantially new vistas for exploration.