Funding/Oct 07, 2022

Stipendiary and Non-Stipendiary Research Fellowship, Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge

Stipendiary and Non-Stipendiary Research Fellowship, Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge  lead image

The Sidney Sussex College Council, University of Cambridge wishes to make an election to a Research Fellowship, tenable for three years and not renewable, to commence on 1 September 2023. The Fellowship is intended for researchers in Humanities and Social Sciences: Geography; Economics; Education; History; Human, Social and Political Sciences (Archaeology and Anthropology, Politics and International Relations and Sociology); Law; History and Philosophy of Science; Land Economy.

Research Fellowships provide opportunities for scholars at an early stage of their academic careers to establish a successful research profile. The successful candidates are expected to be either graduate students, who are expecting to submit their PhD thesis (or equivalent) no later than June 2023, or post-doctoral researchers who have completed their PhD within the last three years.