Jobs/Jan 07, 2020

Research Associate - Textual and Manuscript Traditions, Etymologika Project, Universität Hamburg

Research Associate - Textual and Manuscript Traditions, Etymologika Project, Universität Hamburg lead image

Universität Hamburg Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Greek and Latin Philology invites applications for a Research Associate for the project “Etymologika. Ordnung und Interpretation des Wissens in griechisch-byzantinischen Lexika bis in die Renaissance”, a project under the auspices of the Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Hamburg on Ancient and Byzantine Greek lexica.

The Research Associate will research the textual and manuscript tradition of the Greek and Byzantine etymologica and participate in the critical editing and commenting of the Etymlogicum Gudianum. The Research Associate may also pursue independent research and further academic qualifications.

The successful candidate will have a university degree in a relevant field plus a doctorate, knowledge of Greek scholarship (preferably Greek and Byzantine lexicography; particularly helpful: textual and manuscript trans-mission, editing, cultural context), thorough knowledge in Greek palaeography and codicology. Experience in organising scholarly meetings is a plus.

The term is fixed for a period of three years.