Funding/May 02, 2022

Research Associate/Doctoral Position, Medieval History, University of Tübingen

Research Associate/Doctoral Position, Medieval History, University of Tübingen lead image

The Seminar for Medieval History at the University of Tübingen, Germany, invites applications for a Research associate /doctoral Position (m/f/d; E 13 TV-L, 65 percent) to commence from 1 October 2022. This is a fixed-term position of four years. The position is situated at the “Professur”/Chair for Medieval History with a focus on the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The chair is particularly interested in the manifold connections between the Latin-Christian, Arabic-Islamic and Greek-Christian spheres, as well as in Jewish, Christian, and Muslim relations.

The successful candidate’s responsibilities will include research, teaching as well as work for the matters of the chair. In particular, it is expected that they conduct independent research in order to complete the degree of Dr. phil. in Medieval History at the University of Tübingen by writing a research dissertation either in German or English. Furthermore, the successful candidate will teach a total of 2 hours per week (which equals one course per semester), mainly directed at undergraduate students. It is also important that the candidate engages with the activities of the chair (e.g. by contributing to ongoing research projects or by participating in workshops or research colloquia). The chair hosts two international research projects, one on Interreligious Communication which is financed by the AHRC and the DFG (plus Postdoc position), the other on Society, Science and Environmental Change supported through an ERC Consolidator Grant (plus PhD position). Both projects are in close cooperation with the universities of Durham (UK) and Konstanz. The latter is also the partner in an ongoing edition-project, namely, a commented anthology of Latin and Arabic primary sources concerning medieval transmediterranean history.

When commencing the position, the candidate will have an above-average master’s degree in History or in a closely related field. They also need excellent skills in English as well as knowledge in those languages that will be relevant for the candidate’s proposed research project. Particularly encouraged to apply are candidates who work with at least one of the source-languages that are relevant to the medieval Mediterranean (especially Arabic, Hebrew, Latin, and/or Greek) and whose research interests include entangled history.