Jobs/Aug 05, 2022

Regius Professorship of Greek, University of Cambridge

Regius Professorship of Greek, University of Cambridge  lead image

The Board of Electors to the Regius Professorship of Greek at the University of Cambridge invite applications for this Professorship from persons whose work falls within the general field of the Professorship to take up appointment on 1 September 2023 or as soon as possible thereafter. The Regius Professor of Greek, the most senior appointment in Greek literature in the University, is expected to take a leading role both in advancing research and pedagogy in Greek literature in Cambridge, and in promoting the whole field of Classics within the UK and Internationally. Candidates will have an outstanding research record of international stature and the vision, leadership, experience and enthusiasm to build on current strengths in maintaining and developing a leading research presence. Standard professorial duties include teaching and research, examining, supervision and administration. The Professor will be based in Cambridge. A competitive salary will be offered.