Reconsidering the Concept of Decline and the Arts of the Palaiologan Era

Reconsidering the Concept of Decline and the Arts of the Palaiologan Era lead image

Reconsidering the Concept of Decline and the Arts of the Palaiologan Era, University of Birmingham, February 24–25, 2017

This one day and a half conference combines a symposium and a workshop. The aim is to examine and contextualise the artistic and cultural production of the geopolitical centres that were controlled by or in contact with the late Byzantine Empire, such as the Adriatic and Balkan regions, the major islands of Cyprus and Crete, and the regions surrounding the cities of Constantinople, Thessaloniki, and Mystras. This conference will explore the many intellectual implications that are encoded in the innovative artistic production of the Palaiologan Era often simplified by a rigid understanding of what is Byzantine and what is not.

Keynote Speakers
Cecily Hilsdale, McGill University
Niels Gaul, University of Edinburgh
Angeliki Lymberopoulou, Open University


The symposium is free, but registration is required.

Andrea Mattiello, University of Birmingham
Maria Alessia Rossi, The Courtauld Institute of Art