Reception, Appropriation, and Innovation: Byzantium between the Christian and Islamic Worlds

Reception, Appropriation, and Innovation: Byzantium between the Christian and Islamic Worlds lead image

Reception, Appropriation, and Innovation: Byzantium between the Christian and Islamic Worlds, 2nd Annual International Graduate Edinburgh Byzantine Conference, University of Edinburgh, November 30–December 1, 2018

Reception and appropriation (whether reuse, imitation, or variation) have long been recognised as necessary tools for the interpretation of Byzantine literature, art, architecture and archaeology, while research on innovations is still at a relatively early stage.

The key theme of this conference is dialogue – dialogue between Byzantium and its neighbouring cultures. The conference will explore all three of the fundamental modes of dialogue and discourse (reception, appropriation and innovation) between Byzantium and its neighbours during any time period from the 5th-15th c.

There will be a small registration fee of £10, and lunch will be provided on both days.