Lectures/Mar 11, 2022

Reading ‘la plume à la main’: Case Studies of Secondary Metrical Paratexts

Reading ‘la plume à la main’: Case Studies of Secondary Metrical Paratexts lead image

Reading ‘la plume à la main': Case Studies of Secondary Metrical Paratexts, lecture by Nina Sietis (University of Cassino and Southern Lazio), Ghent University via Zoom, March 17, 2022, 4:00 pm (CET)

Medieval men used to read the manuscripts they came across «la plume à la main» and to leave notes on them. These texts are invaluable evidence for understanding interests and habits of readers during the Middle Ages. The aim of my paper is to show how metrical annotations added by later readers, namely what I call ‘secondary metrical paratexts’, offer an invaluable insight into the reconstruction of the links between different manuscripts and textual traditions. I will firstly focus on a prolific but anonymous reader from the late 11th century and the manuscripts he owned. The last part of my speech will be devoted to some notes added in the margins of manuscripts of the Monastery of St. John Prodromos of Petra in Constantinople.

Nina Sietis is currently Assistant Professor (Ricercatrice a tempo determinato) at University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, were she contributes to the activities of the project MeMo – Memory of Montecassino (https://www.memo.pyle.it/) and teaches History of the Book. Her research interests lie primarily in Greek palaeography and codicology: she published papers and gave talks concerning different topics over the long course of Greek writing history.

In Spring 2022, the Database of Byzantine Book Epigrams (DBBE), an ongoing project hosted at Ghent University, is organising the third season of the Speaking From the Margins lecture series. All lectures will take place at 4:00 pm (CET) and will be freely accessible via Zoom. No registration required. The links to the individual lectures will be broadly advertised before each lecture.