Funding/Oct 19, 2015

RCAC Visiting Senior Fellowships

RCAC Visiting Senior Fellowships lead image

Koç University Research Center for Anatolian Civilizations offers a limited number of short-term fellowships at RCAC for a period of either one or two months.

This fellowship will permit senior scholars with very busy schedules to spend up to two months at the RCAC, undertake projects involving the cultural resources of Istanbul while residing at the RCAC and participating in the intellectual community of RCAC fellows and Koç University. Successful candidates will be offered the following:

  • Round-trip economy airfare to and from Istanbul.
  • A net monthly stipend of up to USD 1600 for the period of their stay.
  • Free accommodation and free dinners 5 nights a week at the RCAC.

In return, the RCAC requests that all Visiting Senior Fellows give one presentation on their research on the main campus of Koç University.