Courses & Workshops/Sep 11, 2020

Race, Racism, and our Institutions and Disciplines

Race, Racism, and our Institutions and Disciplines lead image

Race, Racism, and our Institutions and Disciplines, Medieval Academy of American Webinar, Online, September 18, 2020, 3:00–5:00 pm

In the wake of recent events and ongoing racially-motivated violence, there have been many institutional responses to raise awareness of race and racism in the U.S. and beyond. This second Medieval Academy webinar on race, racism, and medieval studies is one such response. Since many of us are beginning our fall semesters, this webinar investigates race and racism as it appears in our disciplines and institutions, many of which were founded on explicitly racial grounds. The panel is designed to make us think about the structures which uphold bias practices, consider the effects of these practices on students, scholars, and scholarship of the Middle Ages, imagine ways forward, and enact potential subversions to institutionalized habits.

Afrodesia McCannon (New York University)

Roland Betancourt (University of California, Irvine)
Tarrell Campbell (St. Louis University)
Nicole Lopez-Jantzen (Borough of Manhattan Community College, City University of New York)
Dorothy Kim (Brandeis University)

Advance registration required.