Jobs/Apr 26, 2017

Project Staff, Department of History, University of Vienna

Project Staff, Department of History, University of Vienna lead image

KONDE (KOmpetenzNetzwerk Digitale Editionen) is a project funded through the Structural Fund for Higher Education of the Federal Ministry for Science, Research and Economy. The project is led by the Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz and partially settled at the University of Vienna; its aim is the construction and development of a research infrastructure for digital editions of scholarly texts. In this sense the project is also intended as a means to foster a community within the field of Digital Humanities, not only in Austria but also beyond.

Job Description
Provision of scholarly and technical expertise to support the University of Vienna-based portion of the project; liaison with the other project partners at institutions around Austria; preparation of a Ph.D. thesis in a relevant field; publications in relevant international scholarly journals.

Applicant Profile
Master’s degree in a field related to ancient, medieval, or modern literature or text-based historiography.

Excellent IT skills, including experience with at least TWO of: XML/XSLT technologies including RDF, programming in Python or another programming language, web programming with Javascript-based frameworks, relational or graph databases; intention to complete a Ph.D. project relevant to the field of digital editions; excellent spoken or written German and/or English skills; ability to work well with a team both local and remote.