Precious Cloth and Court Culture

Precious Cloth and Court Culture lead image

Precious Cloth and Court Culture (AD 400-1600), Lucy Cavendish College, Cambridge, September 16–17, 2017

The Early Textiles Study Group (ETSG) came into being in 1981 after a small group of people working with or researching into archaeological textiles started to meet together on a semi-regular basis to discuss their work and problems, to share knowledge and experience, and to advance their knowledge by visiting collections and exhibitions together. The number of those participating in the Group has grown gradually over the last decades.  As well as those involved with archaeological textiles the ETSG now embraces specialists in fibres, weaving, textile techniques, dyes, conservation and modern analysis as well as embroidery, lace, leather and clothing.

The themed biennial conferences are open to anyone and have become established events in the textile history calendar attracting participants from all over Europe.

The theme is the 2017 Conference is Precious Cloth and Court Culture (AD 400-1600).


Registration closes August 31, 2017.