Postmedieval Guest Editors

Postmedieval Guest Editors lead image

Postmedieval is looking for guest editors to conceptualize, organize, and edit special issues focused on specific topics of the guest editors’ choosing. Responsibilities for an issue include soliciting contributions, liaising with authors and helping them develop and polish their work, writing an introduction, and overseeing the overall shape of the issue. One person may act as a guest editor, though it often works better with two or three in a team. There are no editorial costs involved, and the guest editors will have the support of the Editors-in-Chief, the Managing Editor, the Palgrave Springer production team, and members of the Editorial Board. Guest Editors will receive a physical copy of the published issue, and their introduction will be permanently free-to-view online. Contributors will receive access to a digital version of their article. Palgrave Springer does not generally make their content Open Access (outside of a fee of $2780 USD per article or some other prior institutional arrangement). Authors are permitted to self-archive an accepted manuscript version of their article (prior to copyediting and typesetting). 

Issues proposed for the May 15 deadline appear in 2022 or 2023.