Courses & Workshops/Dec 10, 2015

Postgraduate Training Course in Greek Epigraphy, British School at Athens

Postgraduate Training Course in Greek Epigraphy, British School at Athens lead image

Postgraduate Training Course in Greek Epigraphy, British School at Athens, June 26–July 10, 2016

Whether publishing new inscriptions, reinterpreting old ones, or critically analysing editions, this course provides training for historians, archaeologists and textual scholars alike in the discipline of reading and interpreting epigraphic evidence. Students will be guided through the process of producing editions of inscriptions, gaining practical first hand experience with the stones as well as instruction in editorial and bibliographic skills. Guest lectures on historical and thematic subjects will explore the ways in which epigraphic evidence can inform a wide range of Classical subjects. The course will be taught primarily by Prof. Graham Oliver (Brown) and Mr. Robert Pitt (BSA) and will utilise the most significant epigraphic collections around Athens, where students will be assigned a stone from which they will create a textual edition. The importance of seeing inscriptions within their archaeological and topographical contexts will be explored during site visits around Athens, Attica, and Delphi.  Some prior knowledge of Greek is essential, although students with only elementary skills are advised that reading inscriptions is a very good way to advance in the language!

The course fee of £730 includes accommodation in shared rooms at the BSA, where self-catering facilities are available, as well as 24 hour access to the superb library, entry to all sites and museums, and BSA membership. Free membership for the remainder of the session will be offered to students wishing to remain at the BSA after the course to continue their research. Travel to and from Greece is the sole responsibility of the course participant.

The course is limited to 14 places, and open to students of any university pursuing Masters or Post-graduate degrees.