Events/Jun 09, 2021

Post-conflict: Art History and Cultural Heritage in Dialogue

Post-conflict: Art History and Cultural Heritage in Dialogue lead image

Post-conflict: Art History and Cultural Heritage in Dialogue, The Courtauld Online, June 15, 2021, 5:00–6:30 pm (BST)

This event focuses on conflict zones, cultural heritage, and the ethical role of the discipline of Art History. Spotlight is on Nagorno-Karabagh in the Caucasus where decades of conflict have created a human rights disaster but also a laboratory for cultural heritage activists to devise solutions to post-conflict situations. The panel includes world-renowned art historians and heritage experts whose diverse disciplinary approaches extend beyond periodization categories and cultural specificities, bringing to this discussion their field expertise and passionate advocacy for the preservation of heritage. Such perspectives on conflict zones, including Northern Iraq and Syria, Palestine and Burma, to name a few, compel us to expand our collective thinking about the role of the historian of art and architecture in tandem with the practices of conservation and cultural heritage preservation.


Advance registration required.