Portraits of Medieval Eastern Europe

Portraits of Medieval Eastern Europe lead image

Portraits of Medieval Eastern Europe, Harvard University, April 8, 2016

A symposium on Eastern European identity and biography in the Middle Ages.

A Viking Explorer in Staraia Ladoga
Heidi Sherman (University of Wisconsin - Green Bay)

Anna,  A Woman of Novgorod
Eve Levin (University of Kansas)

Subedei Ba’atar: portrait of a Mongol general
Timothy May (University of North Georgia)

God Gave Him Good Fortune, for He was a Good and Just Man: Prince Volodymer Vasylkovych of Volhynia
Oleksii Tolochko (Institute of History - National Academy of Science of Ukraine)

The Journeys of My Soul in the Land of Canaan, by Yitshak ben Sirota
Isaiah Gruber (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Fotii, a Rus' Pilgrim to Constantinople
Monica White (University of Nottingham)

Gallus Anonymous, a.k.a. the Monk of Lido: A Venetian Monk at King Bolesław’s Court
Kuba Kabala (Davidson University)

Anna Komnene: Princess, Historian, & Conspirator?
Leonora Neville (University of Wisconsin)

Henry Zdík, Bishop of Olomouc and Premonstratensian
Lisa Wolverton (University of Oregon)