The Slavs, whose presence on the territory of Europe has been recorded starting from the first centuries of our era, profoundly interacted with Byzantium, determining its political choices and shaping its identity: first, the encounter-clash between these two different worlds, which the court of Constantinople had repeatedly attempted through diplomacy or weapons, and hence the progressive formation of the Slavic states in the Balkan Peninsula is undoubtedly among the indispensable factors in the examination of the modern Byzantine scholar. And this all the more true when thinking about the developments of the historical and social dynamics inference in Slavic populations that continue to be reflected in the modern world.
In the light of these considerations and in the perspective of dedicating the next issue of Porphyra (XXVII) to the relationship between Byzantium and the Slavs, we invite interested professors, doctoral students, research doctors, young researchers and scholars to send their contributions.
Papers may be submitted in English, French, German, Italian, Russian, Spanish, and Modern Greek.