Lectures/Mar 30, 2022

Parallel Universes or Shared Environment? Testing Different Scenarios for the Co-existence of Greek and Syriac Epigraphies in Early Byzantium

Parallel Universes or Shared Environment? Testing Different Scenarios for the Co-existence of Greek and Syriac Epigraphies in Early Byzantium lead image

Parallel universes or shared environment? Testing different scenarios for the co-existence of Greek and Syriac epigraphies in early Byzantium, lecture by PaweÅ‚ Nowakowski (University of Warsaw), University College Dublin via Zoom, April 5, 2022, 4:00–5:15 pm (Dublin)

Part of UCD School of Art History and Cultural Policy's Late Antique and Byzantine seminar series. The series is organized by Sean Leatherbury and Lynda Mulvin.

Advance registration required.