Orthodox and Latin Monasticism in the Eastern Mediterranean, 13th-16th c.

Orthodox and Latin Monasticism in the Eastern Mediterranean, 13th-16th c. lead image

Orthodox and Latin Monasticism in the Eastern Mediterranean, 13th-16th c., National HellenicResearch Foundation via Zoom, October 1–2, 2020

In the period following the Fourth Crusade, the monasteries of the  Orthodox tradition adapted to the profoundly changed political and  economic conditions, while Western Religious Orders spread in erstwhile Byzantine territories. Scholarship on Orthodox and Latin  monasteries in the late medieval Eastern Mediterranean has been thriving in the last years. However, owing to the traditional division between East and West and the compartmentalisation of research, the two types of monastic establishments are usually studied in isolation from each other even though they co-existed in time and space, and scholars regularly encounter areas of contact and osmosis. The NHRF Conference seeks to move away from this trend and proposes a comprehensive and comparative examination of Eastern Mediterranean monasticism during the period all the way to the consolidation of Ottoman power in the Eastern Mediterranean.


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